The Technology U + I Can('t) Reach Tech Fair! | Fall 2021

Amy Wong

Fourth Year | Communication Design


As a student who is not very good at technology, especially coding, this class has forced me to explore new tech designs through class lectures. Because I was always a big fan of tradtional way of designing (paper and pencil), I sometimes viewed technology in a bad light; however, this class taught me to view technology and the designer as one and use it to enhance my human skills.

“Technology isn’t a tool; it’s an instrument.”


Speculative Computer

Community Computer for Artists

I wanted to create a computer for artists, specifically people who draw. I really value the tradtional way of drawing with paper and pencil so I created a computer that mimics those authentic ways as much as possible. The computer is shaped like a sketchpad with a bluetooth pencil attached.

Synthesiac Software & Peripheral


I created a bracelet that is connected to multiple softwares such as Spotify or the lighting system in a home like Alexa. The bracelet is meant to adjust the connected software depending on the wearer's body temperature.

My Networked Identity

Who I am Not

For my networked identity, I chose to focus on how my identity has changed under societal pressures of being White being an immigrant. I created a space filled with things that were told to me through out my life that have had a major impact on who I am today.